April 16 - June 5 | Opening April 16, 5-8pm


Samantha Roth | Jake Sheiner | Emilio Villalba

INT/EXT features works which investigate the psychological and physical boundaries of the frame. In this case, the frame refers to the borders of the painting or drawing, but those borders often directly reflect the edge of a mirror or a cellphone, the spine of a book. The title of the show refers to scene headings in a screenplay, a phrase that determines where the camera is placed, not where the characters are; so too, the works in INT/EXT are defined by what they notice and all that is suggested by what lies just outside their edges.

These narratives are personal, encompassing backyards and beds, but intimate scenes converse with imagined, even impossible, perspectives, like the rear view of a neighbor’s bookcase. Mundane, supposedly overt portraits contain subtle undertones. Villalba’s alla prima works feel as quick as a breath and capture moments just as brief. Sheiner’s exteriors, too, are dreamlike visions retained between blinks; and Roth’s minutely detailed imaginings invite us to elaborate playfully on the autobiographical. All insinuate the spark inherent in the immediacy and finiteness of an ephemeral look.